Iron Sharpens Iron Series: Kris Kezar, Tattoo Artist
Welcome to the Iron Sharpens Iron article series! If COVID, and the isolation it has created for us all, has taught me anything, it is to treasure the moments of true connection you have with others.
I find myself so inspired, and even “worked on” if you will, by conversations with interesting, intelligent and engaging people. I always find that I learn something new, particularly where I expect to find it the least.
People who operate in vastly different industries, live a different lifestyle, or do different things for work provide me with some of the greatest insights and lessons on life. And heck, plenty of people who are similar to me provide them as well.
My goal this year, and forever, is to do a better job of cataloging and remembering these moments. To hold on more tightly, and ingrain more deeply, the lessons I gain from them.
Why “Iron Sharpens Iron”?
“As iron sharpens iron,
so one person sharpens another.”
Proverbs 27:17
It is a phrase that defines the relationships I seek with other people. I look for people who push me to better, make me smarter, and teach me things I didn’t know. All of the most important people in my life fit this description. They make me a better version of myself.
It is also something we refuse to lose sight of as a brand. Never am I allowed to believe that I am so “smart” that I can’t accept feedback, that I won’t listen to advice (no matter which direction it comes from), or refuse to acknowledge my own shortcomings and failings.
Iron sharpens iron, and the people in my life sharpen me. They make me better. They make me more than I can be alone. And this series is about interactions I’ve had that make me better, that change my perspective, and that challenge me to grow.
No matter how small, or short the interaction, if it leaves an impression worth sharing, it will live in this series.
So it is fitting that I open the series with the very man who etched the reminder of this motto onto my body forever.
Kris Kezar, Tattoo Artist
Kris is an accomplished tattoo artist in San Diego, CA. He works out of the well known Remington Tattoo Parlor and you can view his work over on his instagram account.
The Sharpening of Iron
During the hour or so we spent together, Kris and I shared an incredibly interesting conversation that traversed subjects from personal to professional, sharing memories of travel to discussing future career goals.
But what truly stuck with me was learning about his dedication to his craft, and while incredibly different than my own, how similar our roles truly were. It was a moment of realization that reminded me people aren’t as different as you think they are. The package may look different, the creative output may not be the same, but the inner-workings are strikingly similar.
Kris shared how his professional nirvana came in the form of bringing his clients’ visions to life. People come to him with a mix of ideas in their heads that are hard to articulate, and not being artists themselves, they can’t simply “show” him.
It is his job to take what they tell him, ask the right questions, and build a piece of art that will live on their body forever. The art that he ultimately creates isn’t about him, it is about each individual who comes to him. It is about bringing the beauty and creativity in their head to life.
The honor bestowed upon the person who is trusted to do this is incredible. Not only does it require an immense amount of trust, it requires Kris to be truly unique in his ability to both extract the vision a person has and to be able to create it for them.
And what was so interesting to me was how similar his description was to how I feel about my role and what I do. What this conversation provided me was a reinvigoration of my own passion, a reminder that when someone trusts you to bring their vision to life, it is truly an honor. It is a privilege that should be prized and taken with the utmost respect and attention.
So thank you Kris, and I guarantee I’ll be back when I’m ready for you to bring my next vision to life.