Iron Sharpens Iron Series: Brad Bailes
If you are new to the Iron Sharpens Iron Series, I urge you to check out the inaugural post to learn more about what the series is all about.
Iron sharpens iron, and the people in my life sharpen me. They make me better. They make me more than I can be alone. And this series is about interactions I’ve had that make me better, that change my perspective, and that challenge me to grow.
This is all about interactions that have left a lasting impression on me. No matter how small, or short the interaction, if it leaves an impression worth sharing, it will live in this series.
Brad Bailes
Brad is on the business development team at Playwire and has been with the company since the very beginning, joining after successfully launching websites of his own.
The Sharpening of Iron
From the very first interaction I had with Brad, I knew I liked him. And I can bet good money that pretty much everyone who interacts with him feels the same way.
You see, Brad is one of a kind. I wish I could bring half of the enthusiasm and positivity to anything I do that he brings to everything he does. No matter what the communication medium, any interaction I have with Brad leaves me walking away in an incredible mood.
I swear, he must view every chance he has to communicate with another person as a way to brighten their day, because he always does without fail. Every email I’ve ever gotten from him, every video chat I’ve ever been on with him, every passing chat or message he sends leaves me feeling the same way: like I’m the most important thing on his mind at that moment.
And my god, if that’s not a lesson to take home, I don’t know what is. So thank you Brad for reminding me that every communication is an opportunity to make a person’s day brighter. Thank you for helping me to bring the kind of positivity and enthusiasm I should to every interaction, no matter how small.
Because that small act may have a profound effect on someone else’s day, the way every interaction I have with Brad has on mine.